We’re not prepared to say that the Tideline 365 Offshore overshadowed all the million-dollar quad-engine luxury center consoles, opulent yachts, and high-powered go-fasts that were in attendance at the Miami International Boat Show this winter, but we can say one thing for sure: the Tideline made its mark. It was one of the few boats that made us stop and ogle despite the hectic pace. It was one of the few boats which we hadn’t planned to inspect, but ended up causing a diversion in the schedule. And it was one of the few boats that left us pining for full rodracks, a few packs of ballyhoo, a chest full of ice, and a 12-hour block of time.

Let’s get the one potential knock on this boat out of the way right up front: some folks will say that they don’t like the boat’s looks. This is common when it comes to powercats, and in fact, their non-traditional look is the single biggest complaint about cats in general. We recognize that we’re not going to change anyone’s mind on this count, but we will stress that to us, a boat’s real beauty is found in how it performs. And if smooth running through nasty seas is important to you, the non-aesthetic advantage almost always lies with the boat that has two hulls. Most powercats are inherently smoother than monohulls, and to those of us with bad backs, that counts for a lot more than looks.
Another thing that counts is how the hulls are laid up, and in the case of the Tideline, cutting-edge construction techniques are applied. The hulls are vacuum-infused, a process by which resin is drawn through the fiberglass via suction created by a vacuum. This allows for the optimal resin-to-glass ratio, maximizing strength while minimizing weight. Net result? The 365 weighs in a bit over 9,000 pounds, while many center console monohulls built with more traditional methods weigh over 10,000, 11,000, or even over 12,000 pounds. You may also notice that those competing boats usually have three or in some cases even four outboards slung across the transom. Sure that looks cool, but those boats also burn an ungodly amount of fuel to get a respectable cruising and top-end speed. The Tidelines, on the other hand, can cruise in the 40’s and approach the 60-mph mark with a pair of Yamaha F350C outboards on the transom.

Fishing-wise, there’s nothing to beef about from stem to stern. The in-deck fishboxes are big enough to nap in, livewells live in either corner of the transom, and there’s more deck space than many 40-footers can offer. Flush-mount rodholders line the gunwales, the hard top pipework supports 13 rocket launchers, coaming bolsters line the inwales, and there’s a rigging station in the back of the leaning post.
If you’re looking for a boat with flash and bling, the Tidelines 365 probably won’t be your next ride. But if a smooth ride and efficient cruising top your list, it’s time to make a change in your schedule – but we suggest grabbing some rods, ballyhoo, and a chest full of ice, and blocking out about 12 hours of time.
Quick Facts:
LOA – 36’5”
Beam – 11’0”
Displacement – 9,200 lbs.
Draft (hull) – 1’6”
Transom Deadrise – NA
Fuel Capacity – 410
Max HP – 700
Area Dealers – Tideline Boats, Edenton, NC, (252) 230-8566 or tidelineboats.com.
If you're looking for a smaller boat but the Tideline sounds interesting, check out Tideline 235 Boat Review: Piscatorial Pursuits.