January 2, 2021
Finally 2021 is here, and we can put that no good, very bad, awful year of 2020 and the Covid-19 mess it came with into the rearview as we hope for, work for, and dream for better years ahead.…
October 3, 2020
The Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) is a non-profit organization that began its efforts in 1977. After noticing an extreme decline in fish populations in the Texas Gulf Coast, anglers came…
August 17, 2020
Greetings FishTalk friends, I hope your summer is going well and the fish have been snappin’ in your own personal neck of the woods. No matter where in the Mid-Atlantic region you live and no matter…
July 24, 2020
Hopefully, most of you noticed that in our weekly fishing reports for the past couple of weeks and in our Attention Maryland Rockfish Anglers blog post we’ve been asking anglers who have fished in…
May 28, 2020
Welcome back to FishTalk, folks, and I hope you’re as thrilled as I am to see spring arrive and the Chesapeake and Mid-Atlantic waters come alive for the new season. Yet today I also have to ask you…
April 6, 2020
Welcome to spring, all you fish-talking folks! In years past we’d be a-chatter over the upcoming trophy rockfish trolling right about now, and although the excitement level may be slightly dampened…
March 15, 2020
You only have a couple more days to make your voice heard, as the Maryland DNR public comment period regarding proposals for the summer and fall striper seasons closes on Wednesday, March 18.…
March 3, 2020
The Maryland DNR has just posted three options for the summer fishery and we need recreational anglers to give input NOW! Anglers, during the last comment period the DNR received a few hundred emails…
February 1, 2020
Editor’s Note: As striped bass regulations are rewritten in Maryland, Virginia, and other Mid-Atlantic states, the same absence of any real scientific studies – and the use instead of MRIP’s farcical…
January 17, 2020
Unless you've been living in a cave you've probably already heard about Omega Protein busting the menhaden harvest cap in Virginia, how Governor Northam responded, and that many Atlantic States…
December 18, 2019
Editor's Note: Below is an article originally published in 2019. Since then, the Young of Year index for striped bass in Maryland waters has remained utterly horrible. It has been as low or lower…
November 11, 2019
I love chumming for stripers. I love the smell of pureed bunker, I love its greasy feel between my fingers, and I consider it fun to ball up a chum-stained T-shirt and hide it deep in the laundry…
October 28, 2019
5/9/24 Update: Editor's note - In a review of old articles performed to keep FishTalkMag.com up to date we deleted most of the old news pieces that are now dated, but decided to leave articles like…
September 22, 2019
5/9/24 Update: Editor's note - In a review performed to keep FishTalkMag.com up to date we deleted many news-style pieces that were dated. However, we left up articles like this one, which address…
August 20, 2019
Pound nets are found throughout the Chesapeake Bay waters – every time you drive past those lines of poles with nets hanging from them, you’re going by a pound net. Commercial fishermen use the nets…
August 7, 2019
Since it’s the height of summer and thus a time of high mortality among released fish, especially stripers (see Striped Bass Population: The Controversy Continues for more details), this month we set…
July 20, 2019
Few events have had such a dramatic impact on our region’s fisheries as the recent explosion of northern snakeheads. This “new” species may have been around in our waters for well over a decade, but…
July 12, 2019
Whether you’re fishing for sport, dinner, or profession, when you swing your catch out of the water it’s a triumphant moment – but what if the fish you caught could also contribute to valuable…