October 7, 2019
Inspired by a fishing trip to the Northern Neck Fish Haven (detailed in Pipe Dream: Reef Building with Nested Pipes), a popular chumming destination where we succeeded in pulling a school of stripers…
July 8, 2019
Opening day of rockfish season, I’m dusting off my old work boots and grabbing a pair of chore gloves. Not to catch that trophy fish, but to meet a group of dedicated volunteers who in rural southern…
June 9, 2019
Drifting behind the stern of American Mariner during a charter, we watched a school of bay anchovies chased by Spanish mackerel scatter along the surface. Off to our left below the surface were the…
February 28, 2019
Those little nondescript obstruction circles on nautical charts tell us something is there, but many of the marked obstructions are small and not much of a fishing destination. However, sometimes…
February 2, 2019
Before reading on, you may want to check out this new video of reef building in action, shot on the Morning Star prior to a day of February tautog fishing a few years back:
Imagine: despite the…
January 16, 2019
If you want to score on true doormat flounder next summer, the best places to head are often the wrecks and reefs between 15 and 25 miles out off the coast. But fishing these deepwater spots for…
April 8, 2017
Reefs attract fish, period, and more of them mean more fish, so we were happy to hear today that the Ocean City Reef Foundation hauled a load of 6.8 tons of block to one of their reef building sites…