Yes, we diehard anglers layer up and brave the elements to go winter fishing every chance we get even in February. Of course, we hardcore casters love prowling for pickerel, tugging on tautog, and perch-jerking despite the frigid conditions. But try as we may, there will be days during this time of year when going fishing simply isn’t possible. Howling Nor’easters, blinding snowfall, and skim ice too thin to walk on but too thick to clear can shut down even the most ambitious all-weather angler. And in that case, after you’ve read FishTalk cover to cover six or eight times you may find yourself turning to social media fish pics to feed your unsatisfied addiction. There’s just one problem: social media can be awful. Really, really awful. Who needs politics injected into their fish-viewing? Who wants to sort through 1000 posts about Billy-Bob’s latest meal and Karen’s latest fashion statement, as they search for scaled critters? I know I don’t. What’s worse, some of the major social media platforms may squelch the visibility of some outdoors activities like fishing (and especially hunting) because it offends the sensitivities of certain segments of the population. Enter:

Harvester is a new social media platform specifically developed to connect outdoors lovers who engage in activities like fishing, hunting, and wildlife and habitat conservation. Regional charters and guides, conservation groups, and retailers related to outdoor recreation can connect with members as daily posts with photos, videos, and articles fill the feed. And destinations are highlighted (including insights on where to go and what to use) to help outdoors lovers plan their next adventure.
Perhaps the biggest difference between Harvester and other social media platforms, however, is that it doesn’t rely on an algorithm to promote content based on any business objectives. Instead, club members — you — decide what you want to see and how you want to engage with the content. You can peruse and monitor by species, by location, by gear type, and so on. And yes, joining Harvester costs exactly what you were hoping: it’s free.
Check this site out and you may even notice a few items pop up ala FishTalk. We like the direction they’re taking, so we gave them the go-ahead to put some of our content up. (No, there’s no quid-pro-quo, we just think it’s kinda cool to check out fishing stuff and kiss off Facebook at the very same time).
Early this winter one day when it was blowing 30 knots and rain pelted the window, I paid a visit to Harvester. The first thing that popped up: a crabbing video shot by a trot-liner in October. (Ooh man, I wish I could get me some crabs right about now!). Then I watched a video on how to fillet a blue cat. (Maybe I’ll hit the Potomac next weekend?). And then I read about how to catch winter bass. (The mill ponds await…). Did it scratch my fishing itch? Aw, heck no! Nothing short of casting will do that. But it was one heck of a lot more fun than learning about Karen’s new hat.