Fishing Gear

August 15, 2019
A few weeks back we told you about some of the hot new fishing gear ICAST "Best of Show" award winners, but there was so much cool new stuff we barely scratched the surface. Here are three more must-…
July 27, 2019
Every year at in Orlando, Florida at ICAST, the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades, the latest fishing gear from the industry's top manufacturers is displayed and voted on at the…
July 22, 2019
With the ICAST fishing tackle trade show now over there's about to be a flood of new fishing gear hitting the market. But this summer we found some stuff before the show that shouldn't get lost in…
April 26, 2019
I’m not ashamed to admit it: I cried, I bawled like a baby, I caterwauled like a child, and I wailed like a wimp the day a gust of wind blew a car door closed on four of my favorite jigging rods. In…
March 28, 2019
Last month in Gearing Up Part I: Choosing the Ideal Ultralight we looked at one end of the spectrum and this month, we're heading to the opposite end as we consider the best trolling gear. Using the…
March 26, 2019
The Bait Up mini minnow bucket is ideal for kayak fishing, especially in cold weather. Minnow Bucket for Kayak Fishing If you’ve ever fished with live bait, then you’ve surely fumbled around…
March 5, 2019
Have you ever spooled up a reel with braid, and then become flummoxed when it spun freely around the spool? Yep, it’s happened to us too. So like most folks, we figured the braid had been put on too…
February 24, 2019
You wouldn’t troll in the Chesapeake with the same rod you use for bigeye tuna fishing, and you wouldn’t fish in a stream with the same rod you’d use for tautog fishing, so why do so many anglers…
February 7, 2019
When we went to Angler’s Sport Center to shoot some video recently, we spent some time focused on finding the five best fishing lures made by local companies – and then realized that we’d fished with…
February 5, 2019
When it comes to fishing reels everyone has their own favorites, but we set out to pick the 10 best reels you can buy today. Is your number-one pick on the list? Let’s find out. But before we dig…
January 17, 2019
Okay, we’ll admit that among all the different sorts of fishing gear out there, landing nets probably come in dead last for generating awe, inspiring gasps, or creating those must-have yearnings. But…
December 27, 2018
The winter winds are howling, snow is piling up in drifts, sub-zero temperatures have made it almost impossible to fish. Almost. Naturally, you would be out there anyway. But something has forced you…
November 11, 2018
Alternative facts may help people get elected to office or bend the arc of political history, but when it comes to fishing gear the TRUTH is testable. Yet still, despite the provability of the…
October 28, 2018
After spending the season with a new Minn Kota Riptide Ulterra equipped with Spot-Lock and integrated with a Humminbird SOLIX MEGA SI MFD, Capt. Pete Dahlberg has the scoop on how an electric…
September 9, 2018
You may think we've covered all the bases with our Award Winning Fishing Gear from ICAST and Yet More Hot New Gear from ICAST articles, but you'd be wrong. This week, folks, we have still more…
August 27, 2018
A few weeks back we brought you a selection of the cool new award winning fishing gear from ICAST, and now, here's a selection of some of the other interesting items which we think you'll want to…
August 8, 2018
A few weeks ago we showed you some of the hot new fishing gear introduced this summer, in New Fishing Gear Introduced at ICAST: Garmin Panoptix Livescope Wins, but this included a mere fraction of…
July 13, 2018
Fluorocarbon leader has become a must-have in many fisheries, especially those in clear water for species with keen eyesight, such as when you chunk for tuna. But, how do you know if a fluorocarbon…