Yes, water temps are falling, but no, that doesn’t mean your snakehead adventures are over for the season – you just need to alter the tactics a bit. As things cool off the standard topwater bite on plastic frogs, Whopper Ploppers, and other surface lures will certainly drop off. The best way to get ‘em at this time of year? Switch to a KISS minnow and bobber rig.

- Rig up a number-one Eagle Claw snelled hook to the end of your line, and give it a bit of weight with a split-shot. Another effective rig is tying on a 1/8th or 1/16th jig head; occasionally the added color can help. If you’re using braid line, however, be sure to first add a few feet of mono leader (15- or 20-pound test) or the snakehead’s rather vicious teeth will likely chaff right through your braid if the fish inhales the jighead all the way into its mouth.
- Clip on a bobber one to three feet above the hook. You’ll be aiming to let that minnow swim just a few inches off bottom so set the bobber according to water depth.
- Pick out the biggest, slimiest minnow in the bucket. Put the hook in through the lower jaw and out through the top. Some snakehead sharpies swear you’ll catch more fish if you actually put two minnow on the same hook.
- Cast out in areas where there’s a slight channel, drop-off, or hole. Since so much snakehead water is shallow, a two-foot channel surrounded by one foot of water is often all it takes. Note: bridges are often hotspots, since they usually have easy-to-locate channels running under them.
- If the hits don’t come as often as expected, try varying bobber length.
Check out Snakehead Fishing in the Blackwater, to get the low-down on this epic snakehead fishing hotspot.