You think you can ID a rockfish from a mile, and can tell the difference between yellowfin and bluefin tuna at a glance? Okay, let’s see what you’ve got. We put the three pictures below in the July edition, and correct anglers were entered in a drawing to win a pack of Dangle Lures. We had quite a few entries, but almost everyone got at least one fish wrong. (Fish number three had the most folks stumped, and number one got quite a few, too).
Hints: All three species can be caught in the Chesapeake Bay. Number one has been expanding its territory in recent years. Number two usually makes people (especially kids) laugh. Number three tastes great, but most of the ones we catch in the Bay are throwbacks. (Answers are at the bottom of the page).

So, just which species are these? Number one is a blue catfish. Number two is a puffer fish. And number three is a black sea bass. Our congratulations go out to Richard Chase of Chesapeake Beach, MD, who won the Dangle Lures prize-pack.