Editor's Update: As of 2020 Evinrude ceased production of outboard motors.
You want a boat so fast off the mark that when you nail the throttle, you put Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to the test? The uber-torque delivered by Evinrude’s new E-TEC G2 in-line-three 1.9-liter outboard might just make it happen. I’m not 1000-percent sure (because no matter how much I watch Dr. Who I can’t quite wrap my head around the link between time and speed), but I do know that when we dropped the hammer on a Blazer Bay 19 powered by a 115 HO, my stomach got left in one time zone as my brain blasted off into another. Want to see it for yourself? Then check out this quick video review of the G2 115 HO.
Torque and acceleration, of course, have always been areas where two-strokes held an advantage over four-strokes. But this new platform, which hits the water this summer in 115 HO, 140-hp, and 150-hp models, also shares the previous G2 model’s efficiency advantage. As a general rule of thumb, we’ve noted a 10- to 15-percent fuel economy advantage at cruising speeds as compared to the average four-stroke of the same size. Yes, that may be a bit surprising at first considering what we’ve all been hearing through the years, but remember that direct-injection tech has come a long way. Thanks to a more even distribution and atomization of fuel entering directly into the combustion chamber, it quite literally gets you more bang for the buck. In fact, do a little digging into DI and you’ll find it’s now utilized by virtually all of the major automobile manufactures – including the likes of Porsche, BMW, and Ferrari.
The other G2 perks also carry through to this new platform: digital shift and throttle (even with the 115 HO and 140 tiller-steer models); integrated power steering; cleaner rigging; a five-year/500-hour period between regularly scheduled maintenance appointments; and a five-year warranty. On top of that, these new G2s also have an integral oil tank that holds enough for 60 hours of operation between fill-ups. For some anglers, that’ll mean going an entire season without having to add oil.

Still, despite all the advancements in modern two-strokes, one issue remains – who wants to listen to them chatter and clank all day long? Well, turn the key on one of these new motors and that “who” might just be you. We noticed with the last new Evinrude G2 outboard introduction that they had managed to turn down the volume a fair amount. But this new platform squelches the noise even more. In fact, the difference in sound levels between an average four-stroke and these two-strokes has now been reduced to the difference between a pitter and a patter. To my ears the new G2s weren’t quite as silent as the best of the four-strokes out there, but they came shockingly close and were certainly as quiet or quieter than some of the louder four-strokes out on the market today. Yes, we know that’s hard to believe, so we suggest you take a run with one and hear the difference with your own ears. Or at the very least, watch that video again and pay special attention to how the engine sounds when we cranked it over. You absolutely positively have the FishTalk guarantee that no one messed with any volume levels during the recording nor the editing of the video.

We’re big fans of modern outboards, regardless of manufacturer and whether they’re a two-stroke or a four. Truth be told, whether you’re talking about reliability, efficiency, environmental impact, longevity, or just about any other factor, todays' engines are light-years ahead of those built a decade or two ago – and we’re pretty dang sure Einstein would agree.
With Evinrude out of production, if you want a G2 you'll need to be looking for used boats across platforms like Rightboat.